Skin temperature-triggered, debonding-on-demand sticker for a self-powered mechanosensitive communication system
Gao, M.,* Wu, H.,* Plamthottam, R., Xie, Z., Liu, Y., Hu, J., Wu, S., Wu, L., He, X. and Pei, Q., Skin temperature-triggered, debonding-on-demand sticker for a self-powered mechanosensitive communication system. Matter. 4, 1-13 (2021). ...
Nature Energy: A solid-state electrocaloric cascade device with high cooling efficiency and temperature lift
A solid-state electrocaloric cascade device with high cooling efficiency and temperature lift SharedIt link: Meng, Y., Zhang, Z., Wu, H., Wu, R., Wu, J., Wang, H. and Pei, Q., A cascade...
ACS Nano: A hierarchically porous silver nanowire-bacterial cellulose composite fiber for detection of both pressure and proximity
A hierarchically porous silver nanowire-bacterial cellulose composite fiber for detection of both pressure and proximity Qiu, Y., Askounis, E., Guan, F., Peng, Z., Xiao, W. and Pei, Q., 2020. Dual-Stimuli-Responsive Polymer...
Advanced Functional Materials: Special Issue: 25 Years of Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cell Technology
Advanced Functional Materials: Special Issue: 25 Years of Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cell Technology The operation of polymer light‐emitting electrochemical cells requires electronic, luminescent, and ionic ingredients that...
A smart window that can enhance privacy protection and reduce building energy consumption
A Phase-Changing Polymer Film for Broadband Smart Window Applications Smart windows (SWs) with tunable opacity are sought to regulate solar‐irradiation and privacy protection. A new smart window material based on a phase‐changing...
A plastic scintillator to detection high energy particles
A plastic scintillator to detection high energy particles
May 2019 Advanced Materials
A special issue in honor of Prof. Olle Inganäs.